I am an artist creating scenic surfaces, illustrations, paintings and sculpture.
23 THE SANDMAN / HOD Painter / Series 2 / Netflix
21 ENOLA HOLMES 2 / HOD Painter / Feature / Netflix
21 THE SANDMAN / HOD Painter / Series 1 / Netflix
20 REBEL DREAMER / HOD Painter / Feature / Columbia Pictures
19 EUROVISION / HOD PAINTER / Feature / Netflix
18 ALADDIN (Reshoots) / HOD Painter / Feature / Disney
18 SPIDERMAN (Far from Home) / Painter / Feature / Columbia Pictures
15-18 OUTLANDER / HOD Painter / Series 2-4 / Sony Starz
14 SUNSET SONG / HOD Painter / Feature / Hurricane Films
13 DRACULA UNTOLD / Chargehand Painter / Feature / Michael de Luca Productions + Legendary Pictures
11 FÜNF JAHRE / Lead Set Painter / Feature / teamworX Television & Film GmbH
11 DIE VIERTE MACHT / Set Dec Painter / Feature / UFA Cinema GmbH
09 DIE KOMMENDEN TAGE / Scenic Painter / Feature / Badlands Film GmbH
09 JERRY COTTON / Set Painter / Feature Film / Rat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH
09 AMERICAN NIGHT / Head of Painting / Film Installation by Julian Rosefeldt for 2nd Bienal de las Canarias
08 PANDORUM / Head of Set Dec Painting / Feature Film / Constantin
08 DAS WEISSE BAND / Scenic Painter (Only Church Netzow) / Feature Film / X-Filme
08 NINJA ASSASSIN / Scenic Painter / Feature Film / Warner Bros
07 MORD IST MEIN GESCHÄFT LIEBLING / Scenic Painter and Stand-By Painter / Feature Film / Rat Pack Filmproduktion
07 VALKYRIE / Scenic Painter and 2nd Unit Stand-By Painter / Feature Film / United Artists
07 HEXE LILLI / Scenic Painter / Feature Film / Blue Eyes Fiction/Trixter
07 DAS WUNDER VON BERLIN / Scenic Painter / TV Film / Prod: Teamworx
05 TROY / Head of Painting and Sculpture / European Premiere, Sony Centre Berlin & Installation of the Troy Horse in Turkey
04 THE LAST SAMURAI / Head of Painting / European Premiere, Sony Centre Berlin
03 THE LORD OF THE RINGS – THE RETURN OF THE KING / Scenic Painter / European Cinema Premiere, Sony Centre Berlin
02-14 MINGA NETWORK GMBH / Scenic Painting, Sculpture and Design for Fair- and Set-Construction / Clients: Warner Bros, Edwin, Red Wing Shoes, Tsubis, Russel Athletics, Bread and Butter, Prokeds, Adidas, Junk Food UK, Diesel, Ergo, UCLA, Barbour, Desigual, Drykorn…
23 FRAU FLEISCHER WILL STERBEN / Short / 15′ / Schara and Ritter Production / Dir: Antje Ritter
13 DIRTY YOUNG LOOSE / Drama / 20′ / opened at Venice Biennale 2013 / AS Fjordholm Production / Dir: Lene Berg
13 MAKE THE SCORE / 4 Music Videos / Vovox AG Production / Dir: Antje Ritter, Bettina Scheibe
12 BUDDHA’S LITTLE FINGER / Period Feature / Rohfilm and Film Amerique Production / Dir: Tony Pemberton
12 KOPFKINO / Creative Documentary / 75′ / Lene Berg Production / Dir: Lene Berg / Nominated for Amanda Award Norway Best Documentary
11 STAMPEDE / Shortfilm Drama / 20′ / DFFB / Dir: Cyril Amon Schäublin
11 DAS FEUER VON HEUTE IST DIE ASCHE VON MORGEN / Dance / 20′ / TAK Theatre Berlin / Dir: Florentine Schara
11 GÖTTER WIE WIR / in collaboration with Lisa Tigges / TV-Series Comedy / 6×15′ / Razor Film Produktion GmbH / Dir: Carsten Strauch / Deutscher Fernsehpreis Comedy 2013, Nom. for Grimme Preis 2013
10 IJON TICHY RAUMPILOT 2 / TV-Series Sci-Fi / 8×24′ / Sabotage Films GmbH / Dir: D. Jacobsen, R. Chahoud, O. Jahn /Nom. for Grimme Preis 2012
10 TRÖDELSEIDE / Shortfilm Drama / 5′ / Norman Metz Production
06 ARCHNEON SHOOTING FOR STREETFOOTBALLWORLD / Concept, Camera, Animation and Co-director in collaboration with Jolyon Greenaway / Visuals, Clips and Trailers for festival 06 as part of the FIFA World Cup 2006 Official Cultural Program / sfw, FIFA
05 PEACE MATCH / Camera and Co-director / Documentary / 14 min / The Peres Centre for Peace
04 N.I.N.A. / Cinema- and TV-Spot / Filmfee GMBH / Dir: Florian Gallenberger
04 CHRISTIE IN LOVE / Stage and Costume / Theatre / ETB Berlin / Soho Playhouse NY /Dir: Lydia Steier
04 GUM AND GOO / Stage and Costume / Theatre / ETB Berlin / Dublin Fringe Festival / Dir: Lydia Steier
03 THE LAST GOODBYE (DER ABSCHIED) / Shortfilm Drama / 20′ / Dir: Sören Schulz
02 CLOSER / Stage Design / Theatre / ETB Berlin / Dir: Michael McGrath
01 RESTLESS HEARTS / Stage Design / Theatre / White Bear Theatre London / Dir: Osei Kwame Bentil
00 SOLITAERAE / Stage and Costume / Dance / Teafactory Liverpool / Dir: Florentine Schara
13 ANYTIA / Drawing Performance in correlation with improvised sounds by Singapore band The Observatory / TAK Theatre Berlin
11 BALL / Installation / Berg Galerie / Berlin
03 2. SAARNER KÜNSTLERHOF / Group Show / Mülheim a.d. Ruhr
03 PUNKT, PUNKT, KOMMA, STRICH / Drawing Performance / Alhambra, Berlin
01 LIFEBALL @ WHITECHAPEL / Street Installation / Whitechapel, London
00 EXPEDITION TEAFACTORY / Group Show / Teafactory, Liverpool
99 NETZWERK / Solo Show / Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Ludwigsburg
98 NETWÖRK / Solo Show / Egg Gallery, Liverpool
98 STORIES OF LOVE CAN’T BE IMPROVISED, SO WHO MADE THE PENGUIN? / Drawing Performance / The Hub, Liverpool
97 ZEICHNUNGEN, WISCHUNGEN UND BLOODY MARYS / Solo Show / Café Cluss, Ludwigsburg
14 HITMAN AGENT 47 / Graphic Artist (Map) / Feature / 20th Century Fox
10 UNKNOWN / Graphic Artist (Ginas Sketchbook) / Feature / Dark Castle Entertainment
10 CREEPING ARMS OF LOVE / Artwork + Graphic Design / Promo CD by Jemma Endersby / Paucker production
04 POPULAR POPCORN / Shopfront Design / Store Zeilgallerie Frankfurt
02 DIE TAGESZEITUNG / Cover Illustration / Daily German Newspaper / Edition 24.12.2004
01 GETTING IT RIGHT–R&D METHODS FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING / 70 Illustrations / Peter Book / Academic Press, USA
BA Performance Design, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, 1998-2000 / History of Art, Universität Stuttgart, 1997-1998 / Abitur, Goethe Gymnasium Ludwigsburg, 1996 / *1976, Mönchengladbach, Germany